Configuration Guide

The /Config/ path contains several .json files which can be used to configure the game:

Admin Rights

"adminrights" is an array of objects defining the rights for each admin level. Individual rights can be configured in the admin account using file browser.

Auto Spawns

"autospawns" is any array of objects defining what items to automatically spawn on certain maps:


"bans" is an array of objects defining which players should be blocked from entering the game, can also be used to restrict access to new servers:

When deciding if a player should be allowed or denied access, then all matching rules will be applied one by one: checking if the ip, os and userid contain the player's ip, os (iOS, Android) or id, and depending on the action allow or deny. The last matching rule decides the fate of the player.

Building Zones

"buildingzones" is an array of objects defining which maps belong to a base / castle. The base themselves are currently defined in DB (game.buildings, read-only).

Chat Commands

"chatcommands" is an array of objects defining what special animation is displayed when players type a certain chat command:

Client Config

Defines a variable "gameconfig" with the client-side parameters such as if the minimap is round, number of hotkeys and what upload types are allowed. Only parameters which are relevant and still supported are listed here:


Defines the hitpoints for players and hitpoints and respawn times for monsters/mobs. This is also used by scripts via Server.getconfig("hitpoints", "type").index[this.monstertype]. The "hitpoints" array contains objects with following attributes:


This is not used anymore, it has been replaced by just listing all objects of type "house" and "ladder".

In-App Purchases

This is not used anymore, now replaced with script events.


The main server configuration. This is a nearly complete list. Some deprecated settings are not listed, such as for account creation.

Map Markers

"mapmarkers" is an array of objects defining what map image and what icons on the map should be displayed:

"menubuttons" is an array of objects defining available menu buttons (for the "main" menu) and additional scripted buttons. Also see Menu Buttons.

Mob Status

"mobstatus" is an array of objects defining the status in the profile shown when you tap/click on a monster:


"monsters" is an array of objects defining the look and weapons of certain monsters types:

Nopk Zones

"nopkzones" is an array of objects defining places where players cannot hurt or kill each other:

Player Anis

"playeranis" is an array of objects defining which animations are allowed to be used by client-side. This is also used for optimisation, so that we don't need to send the full animation name each type a player animation is changed.


"projectiles" is an array of objects defining the projectile templates:

Script Sync Vars

"scriptsyncvars" is an array of objects defining which attributes of players and NPCs should be saved to database and sent to the client (players browser):


"spawns" is an array of objects defining what items to spawn when players or monsters are killed:

Swear Words

"swearwords" is a simple array of objects defining disallowed chat words and where to check them:

Tile Jobs

"tilejobs" define parameters for certain jobs. Used in the weapon_shovel script, using Server.getconfig("tilejobs", null, "weapontype").categories["shovel"]. Currently used attributes:

Weather Zones

"weatherzones" is an array of objects defining what animation effects (bani) to display on certain maps and areas:

Items Guide

The /Config/items path contains several .json files which can be used to configure the game items:

Items can be stored in different folders and are saved in the .json format. For example an arrow would be stored like so: /Config/items/arrow/arrow1.json.

There are more attributes depending on type, and can be access by scripts with player.weapondata.

Item Attributes

Example Arrow Item Config

See even more examples at Item Creation.

    "itemid": "arrow1",
    "name": "1 Arrow",
    "image": "bbuilder_icon_arrow1.png",
    "icon": "bbuilder_icon_arrow1.png",
    "price": 1,
    "itemtype": "arrow",
    "limitpickup": 1