Player Reference

The player who was causing the event can be accessed with the identifier player. You can add custom variables to the player object (player.myvar = 123). These are kept until the player logouts, and are saved to the player object permanently when being configured in syncscriptvars.json.




setting description
soundsoff Turn off sound effects
sfxvol Sound effects volume
musicoff Turn off background music
musvol Music volume
hidehome Hide the home button
hideminimap Hide the minimap (on right side)
noministories No guide videos on mini map
nomobilezoom Zoom out the game (mobile)
zoom2x Zoom in the game (desktop)
hidenames Hide player names (show with N key)
hidesidekicks Hide pets which follow other players
nohouseinvites No house invitations
noclaninvites No clan invitations
nosparinvites No spar invitations
notradeinvites No trade invitations
nolikemsg No like notifications
nopmnotification Don't show received messages
nopvpwarning Don't display enter/leave PvP zone
noweather Hide weather effects
nodaynight No day-night cycle
noingametv No TV videos
nofont Simple game font
sortbytime Sort items by time
fps20 Limit to 20 fps
buttonzoom Button zoom
buttonspacing Add button spacing
hitbox Draw Hit Box/Circle
mode3d 3D view (experimental)

Offline players

DB.loadplayer returns an offlineplayer object if the requested player is currently offline. These player objects have limited attributes and functions: