Server Reference
- Server.playercount - number, current count of players connected to the server
- Server.uptime - number, in seconds, time since start/restart of the server process
- Server.searchplayers(options:{}) - returns an array of players which match the options. Possible combinations for options are: {id:number}, {map:string}, {map, area:{x,y,w,h}}, {clanname:string}, {clanid:integer}, {map:string, clanname:string}, {map:string, clanid:integer}, {} (full server)
function onPlayerTouchsMe(pl) {
//Find all the players on the map with the same clan name as the player that has touched the object
let arr = Server.searchPlayers({, clanname:pl.clanname});
//A message to show the players it has found with the above criteria
this.say("Found " + arr.length + " members of " + pl.clanname +
" (" + pl.clanid + ")! List on console.");
//Loop through all the players it has found and set their chat
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i ++) {
arr[i].chat = "Found"; //Make the player say 'Found' if they meet the criteria above
- Server.searchnpcs({map, area:{x,y,w,h}}) or alternatively {id:ID} or {name:NAME} (name search right now only returns a single NPC)
function onUpdated(pl) {
let npcs = Server.searchnpcs({
area:{x:this.x-20, y:this.y-20, w:40, h:40}
for (let i in npcs)
npcs[i].scheduleevent(0, "otherevent", this);
//Add the onOtherEvent function to the other NPCs to see them triggered.
function onOtherEvent(caller) {
echo("called NPC: " + + " from " +;
- Server.getconfig(filewithoutextension: string [, indexAttribute] [, categoryAttribute]) - loads a configuration file (fast), the configuration should have the structure {filename:[objects]}, the returned object also contains ways for quick lookup: objects: array of all objects, index[name] one object, category[name] array of objects
- Server.getitemlist(itemtype: string) - shortcut to load categories of items, returns an array
- Server.getitemconfig(itemid: string) - shortcut to load an item
Server.getconfig/getitemconfig examples:
echo("default weapon: " + Server.getconfig("main").defaultweapon);
-> sword1
echo("config skeleton: ", Server.getconfig("monsters", "type").index["skeleton"]);
-> { type: 'skeleton', name: 'Pirate Skeleton', ...}
echo("config item nr: " + Server.getconfig("items", "itemid", "itemtype").objects.length);
-> 591
echo("config weapon nr: " + Server.getconfig("items", "itemid", "itemtype").categories["weapon"].length);
-> 97
echo("config weapon nr simple: " + Server.getitemlist("weapon").length);
-> 97
echo("config sword1: ", Server.getconfig("items", "itemid", "itemtype").index["sword1"]);
-> { itemid: 'sword1', name: 'Standard Sword', itemtype: 'weapon', ...}
echo("config sword1 simple: ", Server.getitemconfig("sword1"));
- Server.message(message:string [, senderlook:object]) - displays a message for all players, similar to /servermessage; second parameter is the optional look of the admin/sender, format {name:string, head:string, hat:string}
- Server.sendnotification(playerid:number, title: string, message: string) - sends a push notification to the (offline) player
- Server.sendmailing(title, message [, callback]) - sends a push notification to all players with push notification, use a callback function or await to get the error or "success". Messages will be blocked if you send too quickly (setting mindelaymailing in the main server options)
- Server.setambient(red:number, green:number, blue:number) - sets the current ambient color for all players (day-night-effect)
- Server.getmap(map:string) - returns a map object if already loaded
- Server.loadmap(map:string, template:string) - forces loading of a map, uses the specified template if it's not already loaded
- Server.openai(messages: array of objects [, model]) - contacts ChatGPT, can be used to answer user messages or similar, messages is an array of {role:string, content:string}, only works if an openai key is configured for the server. This function must be called with await inside an async function. See the example.