GUI Reference
GUI Controls are used to pop up a window on the players screen, on client-side. The functions that are used are:
- GUI.showpopup({title:string, width:integer, height:integer [, noborders:boolean, overlap:boolean, showbadge:boolean]}) - shows a popup, optional parameters noborders reduce the window borders, overlap allows content outside of the inner window frame, showbadge shows an admin badge
- GUI.setpopuptitle(title:string) - changes the title of the currently shown popup
- GUI.hidepopup() - hides a popup
- GUI.showwindow({title:string[, x:integer, y:integer, width:integer, height:integer, hideclosebutton:boolean]}) - shows a resizable window with optional initial size
- GUI.exists("id") - checks if a GUI object exists
- GUI.get("id") - finds the GUI/dom object
- GUI.find("id" or object, selector) - finds a child GUI/dom object by selector such as ".classname"
- GUI.filespath - returns string: the proper file path for both mobile and pc devices. Example: bodyimage = "url(" + GUI.filespath + "bodies/bbuilder_body1.png)";
-"id" or object) - shows an object
- GUI.hide("id" or object) - hides an object
- GUI.isvisible("id" or object) - returns boolean depending on if the GUI object is visible
- GUI.onclick("id" or object, (event, x, y) => { ... }) - catches the click event
- GUI.onrightclick("id" or object, (event, x, y) => { ... }) - catches the right-click event / context menu
- GUI.onkeydown("id" or object, (event, ascii, char, code) => { ... }) - catches key presses on text fields
- GUI.onchange("id" or object, (event, value) => { ... }) - catches changes to input fields such as select boxes
- GUI.oninput("id" or object, (event, value) => { ... }) - catches input changes on text fields
- GUI.onback((event, x, y) => { ... }) - catches the back button click
- GUI.create(id:string, classes:string, css:string, html:string) - adds a GUI/dom object if it's not existing yet, you can define a space-separate class list, css rules such as "width:100px;" and the inner html for sub-divs
- GUI.destroy("id" or object) - removes a GUI/dom object
- GUI.ismobile - boolean, says if it's a mobile device with zoomed controls
- GUI.showmenu(name:string) - opens a default menu, you can also open by buttonid from menubuttons.json: about, accountinfo, adminactions, adminconsole, adminmenu, buycoins, checkuploads, claninfo, clans, clanshelp, clanscores, confirmlogout, createclan, discord, files, friends, furnitureshops, gamead, guide, homemenu, housemenu, inventory, invitefrieds, joinedclans, main, mailing, manageclan, map, messagelist, moreactions, news, playerscores, searchclans, searchitem, settings, stories, uploadgraphic, uploadshopitem, writeclanmessage
- GUI.currentmenu - returns string or null, the currently shown menu name
- GUI.width("id" or object) - get width of a GUI object
- GUI.height("id" or object) - get height of a GUI object
- GUI.screeneffect - string, set to "vignette" for a vignette screen effect
- GUI.addbuttons("id" or object, [{text:string, help:string, image:string, callback:function, cssid:strin, cssclass:string, subtitle:string, badgeicon:string}, ...]) - adds menu buttons to the GUI object
- GUI.addmenubuttons("id" or object, menuname:string, data:object) - adds menu buttons (from menubuttons.json) to the GUI object, data is the second parameter for onActivated, such as the profile for "profilemore"; you can define menubuttons at menubuttons.json
- GUI.getimageforitem(item: object) - returns the relative filename of the item icon
- GUI.getimageclipforitem(item: object) - returns the image clip (for css)
- GUI.drawstory(id:string, story:object) - draws a story into a dom canvas with the specified id, the story needs to have type = "game" and data is an array of waypoint objects, with optional tiles and objects array
- GUI.translate(id or object [, originaltext]) - translates a GUI object with google, optional parameter is the text if you want to change it
- GUI.viewclan(clanname:string) - display the info about that clan
- GUI.writepm(playerid:string, nickname:string) - opens a window where you can send a message to a specific player, you have to provide the id of the player and a title for the window (usually the name of the other player)
function onPlayerGrabs(pl) {
var popup = GUI.showpopup({
title: "Welcome to " + Server.getconfig().gamename + "!",
width: 400,
height: 300
popup.innerHTML = '<br><center>Enter text:</center>' +
'<input id="textfield" type="text" style="position:absolute;left:80px;top:100px;width:300px;height:30px;" value="Texttt"></input>' +
'<select id="selectfield" style="position:absolute;left:80px;top:140px;width:300px;height:40px;font-size:24px;">' +
' <option>SWORD</option>' +
' <option selected>HEAD</option>' +
' <option>BODY</option>' +
'</select>' +
'<input id="actionbutton1" type="submit" class="button" style="left:132px;top:250px;width:200px;height:40px;" value="Finish"></input>';
var self = this;
GUI.onclick("actionbutton1", () => { = "text: " + GUI.get("textfield").value + " - " + GUI.get("selectfield").value;
// Hide button by id
// Hide button by object
let button = GUI.get("actionbutton1");
// Get current value of text inputs or select fields
let value = GUI.get("textfield").value;
echo("value: " + value); // prints it on browser developer console
// Change the text of a text input
GUI.get("textfield").value = "hmmm";