Map Reference
You can access the current map or the map of the player by and The map itself has following attributes and functions. Also check out the Tiled-guide
- map.type: string, always "map"
- string, map name (first parameter in setmap)
- map.template: string, template name (second parameter in setmap)
- map.width: number, width of the map (one unit is 32 pixels
- map.height: number, height of the map
- map.eventinfo: object|null {active:boolean, pk:boolean, warpdead:boolean, ignoretags:boolean, canevent:boolean}, only on server, can be used to control event maps
- map.tiletypeanis: array of strings, only client-side, define the animation displayed as footsteps depending on the tiletype layer
- map.auctioninfo: object, contains info about the current auction
- map.auctioncontrol: NPC, can be used to control auctions with functions getauction(), clearauction(player), createauction(player, {itemid:string, initialbid:number}, callback(success, message)), startauction(player, {finishinminutes:number}, callback(success, message)), finishauction(player, callback(success, message)), bid(player, amount)
- map.sparinfo: object, contains info about the current spar
- map.sparqueue: NPC, can be used to control spars similar to the /spar commands: getspar(), lock(), unlock(), stop(), start(player1, player2), startclan(clanname1, clanname2), setweapons(itemid:string)
- object, on client-side, shows Tiled properties such as music or enabledaynight
- map.custommarkers: array of objects, on server-side, can be set to display additional map markers to the map
- map.iswater(x:number, y:number) - boolean, returns of the specified position is water
- map.iswall(x:number, y:number [, onlytiles:boolean]) - boolean, checks if the specified position is a wall. If onlytiles is true, then it only checks tiles and ignores NPCs
- map.isnopk(x:number, y:number, forplayer:boolean) - boolean, only on server, checks if the specified position is in a nopk area. If forplayer is true, then it checks PvP, otherwise if the NPC can hurt the player
- map.gettile(x:number, y:number, tileset:string) - number, get's the tile of the first layer matching the specified tileset image file at the specified position
- map.gettiletype(x:number, y:number) - number, if the map contains tiletypes layers, then this returns the tiletype at the specified position
- map.matchestiles(x:number, y:number, tiledefs:object) - boolean, checks if at the specified position a layer matches the provided tile definition of format
- map.randompos({x:number, y:number, w:number, h:number}, checkwater:boolean) - object {x:number, y:number}, only on server, tries to find a random position in the specified rectangle which is not colliding and not in water, if checkwater is true
- map.addnpc(obj) - NPC, only on server, adds a NPC with the provided info. You have to provide the initial NPC attributes, including x, y, image or ani, dontsave(boolean), possibly also npcclass, mobtype, hat, head etc. Do add a scriptnpc, provided npcclass:"scriptnpc" and specify scriptclasses (array)
- map.spawnitems(x:number, y:number, spawntype:string) - only on server, spawns items defined in spawns.json at the specified position
- map.setambient(red:number, green:number, blue:number) - only on client-side, values between 0 and 1. Let's you overwrite the ambient (daynight) effect only for the current map
- map.gethouse(houseinfo => { ... }) - loads house info with callback
- map.showkill(player, victim) - It will display in the game when a player kills another player.
- map.collectfurniture(player) - adds furniture objects into the inventory of the player
- map.findpath(fromx, fromy, tox, toy) - server-side, returns an array of point arrays such as
, finds a path with a*star algorithm to avoid blocking tiles