Map Properties and Layers Guide

iAppsBeats uses Tiled to create maps for the game, in order to get some basic features such as collision, and water-animation, we use some custom properties in Tiled.

There are some features in Tiled we yet do not support, such as rotating tiles or flipping tiles around.


Custom Layer Properties

Each layer can have their own custom properties, we use these for basic features:

Custom Map Properties

If you put these properties on the map itself, you can control the overall effect on the map, such as music, or drawover color:

Custom Object Properties

These are some custom properties used for NPCs, In order for the game to understand these, you need to set the Property Type to NPC. These can only be placed on a Object-Layer, as any other type of layer in Tiled is not supported by the game.

You can also provide other properties which can be used by npc-classes or script-classes, as this. variable. e.g.

npcclass: destructable
image: barrel.png
buildingname: BlackOut
tileHeight: 1
tileWidth: 1

where buildingname is this.buildingname inside the npcclass destructable.

Collection of images (Embed in map) layer

With the use of a tileset layer with the type Collection of images, you can place images on the map inside an Object Layer that can be used as NPCs in-game. You also need to set the type to NPC.

However putting custom properties on this tileset for objects (npcs) is not supported by the game, but can be used to easier manage the object properties, but needs to be copied over to the npc when placed on the map.